As the winter months are ending, you may start to get your dresses, capri pants, and shorts ready for full-time rotation. An unfortunate afterthought with getting these fun clothes out is how you are going to stay smooth—especially when wearing a bikini. A good razor and shaving cream can quickly get the job done, but the side effects associated with this hair removal method is usually not worth what you get from it. Razor bumps, cuts, and razor burn effect many people who shave— the bikini area is the worst. Waxing removes large amounts of hair better and quicker than shaving. It also offers smoothness for more extended periods.
There are certain things a person can do before going to get waxed. Taking some time to prepare will give you better results.
Prepare your skin before coming to us for hair removal on Staten Island. Step one is to exfoliate skin in the area that will be waxed. This removes a top layer of dead skin that could have hairs under it. Step two is to let your hair grow. You might hate the look of hair growing back, and so you may reach for that razor. Patience is needed because waxing only works on hair that is at least a quarter inch long.
If you are prone to pain, we recommend you take some over the counter pain reliever before coming to us. Our staff knows what they are doing, so pain is minimal but still present. Taking pain medication will not interfere with your waxing.
For the highest quality hair removal Staten Island has, let us be your first call. We even do eyebrow tinting on Staten Island.