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Prevent Breakouts After Brazilian Waxing Staten Island

Brazilian waxing Staten Island

Waxing is an incredibly popular method of hair removal, especially during beach season. Electrolysis will permanently remove hair from an area, but waxing may be more cost effective for most people.

We perform both hair removal and permanent hair removal in Staten Island.

For Brazilian waxing Staten Island, you should make us your first call. If you have waxed before and have experienced breakouts afterward, here’s what you can do to thwart ingrown hairs and red bumps after waxing.

  • Before waxing, thoroughly wash and gently exfoliate the area that will be treated. This will help to prevent oil, dirt, or shedding skin from entering pores and causing irritation.
  • After waxing, don’t touch! It’s very satisfying to run your fingers over your newly smoothed and perfected skin, but you’re putting into those newly opened pores exactly wha
  • Before waxing, apply some baby powder to the area. This will also help to absorb oils that may otherwise cause irritation and bumps afterward.
  • After waxing, keep any oils away from there. Make sure any moisturizers or other skin treatments are water-based. This will soothe your skin without risking irritation. Hydrocortisone and witch hazel can be useful in both preventing and treating irritation.
  • If you wax or thread regularly to keep an area hairless, consider how much money you’re spending in a year. Combine that with how much time you put into keeping that area free of ingrown hairs and redness. You will likely conclude that permanent hair removal is perfect for you.

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